Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yesterday, Illustration Friday

"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." - Will Rogers

All right, I have to admit my jar tends to get pretty full- of memories, multi- tasking in the present and assorted good intentions met or saved for use at another time...Please note, this is Thursday PM and the IF challenge was presented last Friday. But was it a good week? That's all that matters- There is another good one ahead, isn't there?


  1. I like your illustration and your Will Rogers quote! I think your jar is nicely rendered and I like your use of color. I also like the concept.

  2. Great quote there Michele, I could not agree more and your illustration shows it perfectly. Also keep that glass half full that is a most positive approach and hey you got in before the week was up ;0) It was lovely to see you at my blog, enjoy the walks ;0) Have a great week end my friend, Jane x

  3. Love it Michele. I imagine my jar get's pretty full too ;) Hope you are doing well.

  4. I think I have a lot of yesterday jars, but what would I blog about if I didn't? :) Nice painting!

  5. What a wonderful illustration..and sentiment! I have missed your wonderful apologies for such a delay in visits. I hope you've been well and working on some fun projects too. Wishing you a lovely spring ahead!


Your comments are welcome and appreciated!